Tuesday, June 10, 2008


some things have dawned on me as of late...
some things that i am not to pleased with...

i realized a couple days ago, that some of the company i keep may not
really truly honestly care about me the way that i would hope they do...

i pride myself on being a very open and accepting person. There is pretty much nothing that shocks me... but i have come to realize that there are people in my life, who
A. don't respect that part of me enough to not say/do things around me
and B. who would probably stop talking to me if they knew a couple things....
simply because they don't understand it, and they wouldn't care that i was happy, or anything, they would just see these couple things, and nothing more.

that makes me really sad.

starting to wonder what i really have in common with some people.

i have found something/someone who makes me super happy...
happier then i have been in years... for sure the happiest i have been since my grandma died...
and yes he takes up a lot of my time... but to me its time well spent.
and yet i find myself begining to resent people in my life, because they seem so focused on the fact that they feel they don't see me enough that they are completely missing the fact that i am happy. which is what should matter...

if the tables were turned, i would probably feel a little the same way, but ultimately would just be stoked that they were happy....

i just think maybe backing off and seeing things for how they really are could do some good...

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